Lizards and ... Asthma?

January 21, 2019
Amis birthday

 If you have Asthma or Tuberculosis listen up ;) So, I probably went the most north I'm going to go in Togo this week doing splits with the Elders up in Tsevie, which is a town up north! We ended up going to these villages which are even more north of Tsevie because they are trying to start a branch up there and it was super cool! Just jungle everywhere. You could look and see rolling hills (haha which is the closest thing to mountains I'll probably find). There are just tons of little trails shooting off the road and they all go to these little villages, but we just ended up going to the bigger ones. Anyways, we were waiting at this member's house for an ami and I saw this lizard I saw fall out of a tree into a bucket of water so I pointed it out to the member and jokingly asked if he had ever eaten a lizard. He told me no, BUT he fed it to his son once who had asthma. He started talking about how there were all these natural healing things from all these plants and animals, but eating the meat of a lizard specifically cures asthma AND Tuberculosis!! Who knew right!? Yep, he said if you've got either of those cook up some nice lizard meat and it will cure it right up! So now I'm getting curious, so I ask him if there are any other special animal healing powers I should know about and he told me how if you take a forest turtle (that they sell at the local market) and you eat the underbelly of it, it will make it so you can run from here to Benin without getting tired! Haha I have no idea if it works for real but if you happen to have asthma or tuberculosis please try it out and let me know if it works 😉

Another funny thing that happened was at this baptism service we attended! So, I don't know if the kids here have fear of water just from the super painful bathes there mothers give them, but I found out that kids under 2 definitely don't like baptismal fonts! There were 5 people getting baptized at this baptism and the room was packed full of people. This one sister named sister Aime was getting baptized and she has 2 twin girls who are about 2 who were sitting by us so their mom could sit upfront. Well, as soon as the doors to the font open up these twins start bawling at the same time, and pretty soon every single child in the room was starring at the font bawling!! So the brother who was baptizing was trying to talk louder than the wail of children scared of water, but as soon as the mother of those two twins got up to get baptized it got worse! As soon as they saw their mom in the font they went hysterical and one of them ran out of the door to the door of the font to save her mom! They ended up having to take one of them out and covering the eyes of the other one while their mom was getting baptized cause they couldn't stand it. It was really funny but also really sad to see all these kids so scared of water! 
Hope y'all have a great week!!
Elder Briggs 
Tsevie (Chevee-ay)

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