And just like that . . . I'm home!

 March 24, 2020

Welp, definitely during the whole last week never did I think that during that same week I would be home! The week was going as normal as we were trying to get a girl named Aline ready for baptism and trying to set up groups in our ward so that our aims could take the sacrament on Sunday and get baptized when we got a call Thursday morning that we had an emergency leadership meeting. Over a skype call, the president informed us all that within 48 hours all of the West African missionaries would (were supposed to) be evacuated and we needed to all go back NOW and prepare. 

It was a pretty neat and sad experience as our President expressed his love for us and bore his testimony that he knew God knew where we were, what was happening, and this was his will. You could almost touch the spirit, it was so thick in the room! We closed with "God be with you till we meet again" and we all definitely cried. We spent the last 48 hours before I flew out on Saturday morning giving everything that we had away, cleaning the apartment, saying goodbyes, filling out the area book so that when missionaries do come back they can find all our aims,.. and playing dunk ball on our mini hoop we got in our apartment 😏 I flew out Saturday morning on a direct flight to Houston where I met up with some other elders and senior couples headed out of the Congo then flew out Sunday morning to Utah. There were a whole 11 people on our flight! 

It was almost a bittersweet experience walking down that escalator and seeing my family. Mentally I was not prepared to be home, to see my family, to no longer be a missionary, (or prepared for how dang freezing and dry it is here!) In my mind June 8th was when I was done. When I could stop the grind and push it took every day being a full-time missionary. I had goals fixed, plans made, people to help and things to change before I would be ready to come home. But "my ways are not your ways, and my thoughts are not your thoughts" and that's one lesson that the Lords been teaching me over and over again. I know there are hundreds of hundreds of other missionaries in the same case who may be asking why? Why were we torn from the mission and people we love in a time where they need us the most! But the question is never to ask why, rather ask "what does God want me to have in this experience?" than to seek personal revelation as to what is the next step he has for you. I echo the talk from Elder Bednar saying that you are not called to serve a place, but you are called to serve the Lord! Even though I'm home and released as a full-time missionary that does not change the fact that I'm still called to serve the Lord for the rest of my life, and I'm so pumped!! 

I've found that the mission is just a microcosm for life. We show up brand new so innocent and confused and bit by bit learn about our purpose here. We receive commandments and rules to help us stay safe and be blessed. There are so many lessons we learn and experiences that we have. The things taken from these experiences are impossible to truly express with words and to truly convey what we felt, saw and experienced, but nevertheless they made us. Here are just a couple of the many experiences that I learned on my mission-
1. Lifes not fair. Crazy simple, right? But I saw it over and over. Many times, I was asked sincerely "Elder Briggs, why was I born here in these awful circumstances?" I struggled to answer that question. Why was that? Me, born in literally the best country in the world, to an amazing family who loves me, and honestly had the cutest and flowery childhood ever. While this kid was born practically into a living hell. Awful family, awful situation, 0 opportunities, and a struggle to eat and live day to day for the rest of his life. It is my personal belief that God does not give us situations that we cannot handle or learn from. God knows his children and is aware of their circumstances. But, also, in saying life is not fair does not excuse the commandment to help those in need, deprived physically and spiritually. Because we have been given much we must give.

2. Circumstances don't change people, people change circumstances. What I mean by that is that just because someone is poor or in an awful situation does not mean that they will be humbled by it. Everyone in Togo is about in the same boat, but there are all types of people just like you see here. Some are prideful, some humble, some angry, some kind. It all depends on you! Those who would be humble and kind under any circumstance end up being the only ones capable of changing their circumstances.

3. We are SOOO blessed and spoiled! News flash, about 95% of everything that you own right now, IS NOT NECESSARY. We are all so spoiled and blessed and you will probably never have the opportunity to truly realize to what point you're blessed. Words or pictures aren't really worthy to truly explain it unless you live it. But I hope the experiences I've shared can benefit you even if it's the slightest way to be more grateful for how much God has given you!!!

4. God's Church is again on the earth. After 2 years of talking to hundreds of people about religion and Christ, I realized how confused the world really is! Haha, its legitly, a war of words out there and fights between churches as to who is right or wrong. This is the ONLY church on the whole world who invites the world to ask God himself if what we say is true. Why? Because each one of us knows what will happen if they do! The Holy Ghost WILL testify that it's true. Simply, those who read and pray will know, those who don't, won't. Christ is coming again, and we are his church to prepare his way in these latter days. I would have said all that before my mission as well, but my conviction of it didn't come until I was fought time and time again, by pastors, amis, false prophets, all twisting the truth of scripture into lies. It wasn't till I had to fight for my life as to the truth of my testimony of this gospel that I truly came to feel with every fiber of my bones that this is true. I testify to you that it is true!! I love being a missionary! I love this gospel! I love life!
Elder Briggs
Benin Cotonou Mission 2018-2020

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And just like that . . . I'm home!

 March 24, 2020 Welp, definitely during the whole last week never did I think that during that same week I would be home! The week was going...