Global Freezing . . . It's Real

 January 6, 2020

Happy New Year y'all! I hope it was well started and that you had an amazing Christmas with your families! (or on the mission) While you all have been freezing over there in the states, you're not alone. It might be risky to say it but I think global warming might be fake and it's really global freezing! The last week it has been FREEZING! That's right people - in the burning armpit of the world it had to have been well below 70 degrees (with wind chills) at night because of Armatan, which is when the winds from the north come and bring cold air and tons of dust. Last year it wasn't cold at all, just tons of dust but this year, wow, I near believed it was gonna start snowing. Haha, it was hilarious to have to wake up every night because I was so cold with no clothes or blankets to find because I had only brought one thin long sleeve shirt, and no sweats on my mission. The only "blanket" we have is our thin sheet cover on my mattress so in the middle of the night I ended up wrapping myself up in my towel and suffering the rest of the night 😂 It's been so funny to see everyone here freaking out and walking around in huge winter coats even though during the day it still gets pretty hot again. And because of it practically everyone is sick with colds now! I think it's gonna be rough climate change going back home.

Our sweet Gladiator sandals me and Elder Sanders had made!

This week everyone called "la féte" which means "the party". Here, New Years is huge and basically all of our amis would tell us they were not available until after this whole week.
So, we visited lots of members and taught a bunch of new people! For about 2 days complete we ate solely at people's houses who were constantly making chicken, foufou, and rice, and as soon as we walked in, they would sit us down and feed us. 

They had a huge party at the church that lasted all night, something that definitely would not fly in the states. Of course, we could not attend all of it but the part we were able to go to was so much fun! They had music and lights blasting so loud that people in the road would just come in to join the party! They had dancing and singing by people in the ward and then they announced that "the missionaries will now perform" haha, we hadn't planned anything, but they made us get up anyway. I was standing there trying to think of what to do when the music started playing. Me and my comp got posed like it was something we had planned and when he started, I just did the first thing that came to my mind and started doing the "Napoleon Dynamite" dance that I learned when I was 16! Haha. luckily, we didn't have to finish (and lucky for me because I definitely didn't know the whole dance) The people liked our dance so much they started screaming and rushed the dance floor and "moshed" you could say. The whole place just turned into a huge dance party! 
Where's outer darkness? I found it!

The work here is honestly going great and it's one of those few times in life where I can't really say there are any problems, life is just so good! As I look back on the past year, I could never have imagined all the experiences I've had and the ways that I've grown out here on the mission. It's flown by but has not been short of difficulties or struggles. I guess life's a lot like that. At many times I asked myself, "am I really becoming a better person, am I really making a difference?" I read 2 Corinthians 6:9-10 this week:

known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed;
 10 sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.  

That for me describes my experiences this last year. That for me is what I call the blessings of being a member of this church. It's not easy, but things of the greatest value are never easy to get. Know that the beatings sorrows, and hardships you feel are not the proof that all this has been a lie or isn't true. It is the proof that all this is the truth and that what you're fighting for in this battle of good and evil are the scars and bruises fought for the king of kings, Jesus Christ! We will all get scars and bruises in this life, the question is, did we get them fighting on the right side? 
Make 2020 the best one it can be! Don't forget WHO you're fighting for!
Elder Briggs
This cute little girl was bawling until we solved the problem and gave her a pack of gum😂

Restaurant name we saw! I haven't yet asked but judging by the title I sure hope these guys are members of the church cause if not... they're gonna be!

Shout out to my best boy Elder Dansie who I got to talk to Christmas as well thanks to a "mutual family connection." 

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