"Traditional Healing"

February 18, 2019 

So, I went on a split this week with my MTC companion Elder Culotta!! It was a blast, and it was crazy that we got to be companions again for the day. 

 Throw back exchange with Elder Culotta!

Well, during the split we were down in the really poor part of town right on the edge of Lome before it turns into a swamp. We went and started teaching this partial member family that had just moved there and on the way back I remembered that there was a "Traditional Healing" stand (which is just a code word for Voodoo) just up the road that we would pass in a taxi on our way up to a Jagblé. So, of course, we decided to go check it out. This place was crazy! Literally, watch the Lion King, kill every animal in it, and put it on one stand and that's what this guy was selling, He had everything from full alligators, to jaguar heads, to monkeys, to horse, anaconda, turtles, hyena heads, Literally, you name it and this guy had it on a table! And it smelled just about how you would imagine.. Gross. Soooo, anyone wants any illegal animal parts ya know... Jk 😉. They use them to curse/heal people, so we decided it probably wouldn't be the best idea to buy anything just in case it was already cursed and we decided there are better ways to heal people (@priesthoodpower!).

 "Traditional healing shop"

This week we have started teaching some amazing people and families but also seen how sad it is when people cannot take the step to change even when they know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, but are just too attached by their church and scared of changing that they can't find it in them to "sell all that they hath and follow me" as Jesus said to the one man who had kept all the commandments, but still couldn't find it in him to follow Jesus Christ. But its ok, God works on people with time, and I know that even if their time is not now, the seed is planted, and one day it will be harvested. 
Love you all!!! have a great week!!!
Elder Briggs 
Going where no  man (white) has gone before...Me and Elder Sorensen

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