Proverbs 23:3

January 7, 2019

So, Wednesday I almost went septic from overeating! Elder Sorensen and I had been out in the morning and then had come back for lunch. Rookie mistake. We totally forgot that after lunch we had a rendevous with an ami named Seur Bienvenue who has fed us every single time I've been over there. Well, we got there and she hadn't just prepared a little food, she had prepared a 3-course meal! It was the first time we had seen her after new years so she decided she was going to treat us well and sat us down in a room and started bringing food out. First, you got to know a little about the women here. They get super offended if you don't finish their food and you will hear for days from them that you didn't like their food. They might not even ever prepare for you again!  But it's not just that, they get offended too if you don't eat fast enough! Haha, It's like they judge your manhood based on how much and how fast you can eat. So she brought out this salad and we are trying to keep pace on it but I'm slowing down. We finish right when she comes out with these HUGE plates of Kuskus (kinda like rice) and I swear each plate was enough to feed a small family. I start spooning it down but my hope is lost by this point and I'm thinking of serious alternatives. faking sick, throwing up, dumping it all in my bag, anything. It was so good but a stomach is only so big! Well, I decided the only reasonable thing I can do now is pray and my companion was the answer to my prayer! God surely enlarged his stomach or something cause he helped me out. We taught and left... to a dinner appointment!! 

With 4 elders at this dinner we were hoping they could pull the weight but nope. We peeled foufou and she gave us each our own big balls of foufou to eat by ourselves. With every man for himself, I decided if I slowed it down then she couldn't plop another one on my plate once I was finished (like I saw her do to my poor companion). With stomach and throat and mouth full, I tried to get up and I've never been so close to throwing up in my life. If I would have put my bag over my shoulder I know for a fact that would have been the self destruct. We waddled home and that's when it got bad. By the next day, I was super, super sick. Bad enough that the Office elders had to come to stab me with a needle to check for malaria. Luckily it wasn't that. I think I might have just found the physical limit for food.

The miracle is that we had had appointments planned for that day and after I got tested Elder Sorensen gave me a blessing. We had a lot to get done in our sector so after the blessing we decided to go out anyways to our rendevous and the second we got outside most all of the symptoms went away and I didn't feel sick one bit after that. I could walk fine, I could open my eyes without pain, everything! Just went away! I testify to all of you that the power of the priesthood is real and living. It was lost but now it is restored and how thankful I am for how it has blessed my life! Love y'all and have a great week!

Elder Briggs 

Proverbs 23:8The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.

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