Finally OUTTA HERE (in a good way)

August 6, 2018

My district
Last week here at the MTC and leave tomorrow! This week we mostly just wrapped up all our grammar stuff and lessons but cool thing Saturday, is that Elder Waddell of the Presiding Bishopric came (technically not for us) but he stopped in and talked for a while to us about the gathering of Israel and how if we pray to find the elect every day we need to open our mouths and talk to everyone because you can't tell who the elect are before you meet them.

We leave tomorrow at 6am and fly to Ivory Coast where we have a 9-hour layover and will get to Benin about 9pm tomorrow night so luckily the stud Elder Harman brought SPIKE BALL!
President (of the MTC)

Haha, after tomorrow it is going to be all French from here on out so I'm praying I don't get destroyed to bad but since this is my last email from the MTC I want to attempt to bear my testimony to you in french!  Only With the promise from you that you will not attempt to google translate It... hehe but even if you did it still might not make sense ;) (also don't know how to make accents on this keyboard)
Straight out of Lion King sun set.
 " Surtout et premier, je sais que Dieu vit et que Jesus Christ vit. Je sais cette avec tout mon coeur. Je sais que Dieu nous aime et pars que il nous aime il a envoye son fils, Jesus Christ a mourir pour nous pour que nous pouvons repentir et ressentir paix en notre views. Je Sais que Jesus Christ remonter en le traisieme jour. Je sais que le garcon joseph smith a vu notre Pere celest et Jesus Christ et a traver la pouvoir de Dieu il retabi cette l'eglisesur la terre dont est la meme l'eglise que Jesus Christ a etabli. Je sais que le livre de Mormon est la parole de Dieu. Je sais que le prophete Russsel M. Neilson est la vraie prophete de Dieu et que il avait tout les clefs necessaire pour salut. J'aime Dieu et mon frere Jesus Christ avec tout mon coeur. Je dit ces choses dans la nom de Jesus Christ, Amen."
-Love Elder Briggs :)

Translation (by Google Translate;)

Above all and first, I know that God lives and that Jesus Christ lives. I know this with all my heart. I know that God loves us and leaves that he loves us he sent his son, Jesus Christ to die for us so that we can repent and feel peace in our views. I know that Jesus Christ goes back in the last day. I know that boy joseph smith saw our celestial Father and Jesus Christ and through the power of God he restored this church on the earth of which is the same church that Jesus Christ established. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that the prophet Russsel M. Neilson is the true prophet of God and that he had all the keys necessary for salvation. I love God and my brother Jesus Christ with all my heart. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. "

 haha guess what.. I already busted the hair trimmer and im not even out of the mtc.... turns out I didnt realize that you need an adapter from 220 to 120 so I plugged it in, turned it on, and it blew up.. crap. Im going to try and find one once I get to benin cause i really need one! even just in the mtc not gonna lie the barbers a cool dude but cant cut hair at all.. like i just have chunks of hair cut out and my poor companion got his hair line cut like a poly haha!!

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