Drunk Hugs and Bike Jump

 January 28, 2020

Alright here are a couple highlights from this week!!

1. This last week we were up in Kpalimé doing splits and entretiens (interviews) for the elders up there and we got to go up there Monday to see some waterfalls. Then Tuesday we did a split and I worked with elder Raymond! So, this sector is up in this mountain village and is one of the biking sectors here. We had biked way out to visit an ami and on our way to the next rendezvous his gear changer on back completely fell off, so we spent about 1 1/2 hours walking back towards the apartment. We were able to find a moto mechanic who was able to put it back on and we were finally off again. We were flying down this dirt path and there was this concrete canal up ahead of us that we had to cross. He yells out "check it, watch me jump this". He's going but didn't have enough speed, so when he pops his front wheel up it goes into the canal and slams into the cement wall and he goes flying over his handle bars and landed on his face!!! Haha, it was hands down the funniest thing. I died laughing! Don't worry I didn't laugh till I made sure his jaw wasn't broken). Well, lesson learned, we check out his bike and the gear thing was broken again!! Luckily, though, we able to rig it and keep going. Morale of the story . . .

2. We were sitting about to start a lesson with this girl we are teaching when we see this clearly super drunk guy walking towards us. He is wearing this rasta hat and has this huge African necklace. I was just praying he wouldn't come near us but nope, white guys in ties are drunk guy magnets. He gets to us and starts doing sign language! He starts doing the sign of Jesus Christ and so we figure he's asking us we talk about him so we say yes. He smiled so big then leaned down on the bench we were sitting on and gave each of us a 30 sec bear hug 😂So it turns out he was deaf and now try and imagine trying to explain the restoration to a deaf drunk guy! Basically, impossible but he took a seat and we had him read in our brochure that we had. I guess he really liked what he read because he told me he loved me probably 20 times and hugged me even more! Haha, so we got his number and he got ours (so we can text) and we thought he would leave. Nope. He followed us to our next rendezvous and finally my comp sat and occupied him while I taught. 

This is the last week of our transfer and will be getting calls this weekend. My comp is going home so understandably really trunky, but we've been able to push and do a lot of great things this transfer! 

I would like share with y'all a quote that Jeffery Holland said that my brother sent me.
 "If for a while the harder you try the harder it gets, take heart. So it has been with the best people who have ever lived."

That describes life for me perfectly!! Think about it! Everything worth fighting for in life doesn't come on a cheap price tag. Every true hero you know has fought for something and despite the odds, came out on top. Every prophet, every apostle, Jesus Christ himself, and every disciple. And that means we, as his disciples, will experience the same thing. We will fight against Satan and he will fight even harder against us. But the beautiful thing is that as we put our faith in Jesus Christ, when it gets harder, we only get stronger and that's how faith grows! How grateful I am for the hard things in life that make me reach out for Christ's hand when life pushes me down. Love y'all! Have a great week!! Elder Briggs

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