How many people can you fit in a Corolla...

Teaching on the rooftops!
September 3, 2018

This week we have been looking for more people to teach because we have a bunch of ami's that have progressed as far as they can without getting married and paying the dote (which is this dowery that you are required to pay here to the parents to be married *think Johnny Lingo* and can be really expensive) so we have kind of just had to stop teaching them lessons and are just waiting for them to be legal. 

Anyways it's crazy how new ami's just started appearing out of nowhere! First, we gave this pamphlet to this lady named Happy who has a little store on a corner and she called us to come teach her. Well, when we got there she had marked up the ENTIRE plan of salvation pamphlet!! There were notes in all the margins and all the extra study scriptures in the back were filled out and read! Ok, like this NEVER happens. I thought she had torn it apart to bible slam us and was like "here we go" but they were actually all just questions she had and they were actually really deep and serious questions! So, of course, we gave her a Book of Mormon and restoration pamphlet and we will see if she hasn't read the whole Book of Mormon by next time :')
First kill of the season. This monster has been living under my sink! We named her Lucy... (short for Lucifer)

 We also street contacted this guy named Roger in his 20s who lost his leg in a car wreck recently and are teaching him. And then last of all, there are these kids who have just been showing up to church for the last couple weeks who are between 11 and 14 and turns out they aren't baptized or even know about the church! So we will begin teaching them now along with a couple other kids that just showed up to church. The kids here are great. Apparently, they all just bring friends who end up getting taught and baptized. Hence why the primary is HUGE. 
These kids are hilarious! This little girl, who is 4 named Blessing, is the most cute and weird kid I've met and she does this to me every time she sees me.

Ate my first fish head this week! guess where? Yup, the same place I ate the chicken head! They really like heads at this house. We were eating patte with this family and there is just cow skin and this fish head in this sauce so I figured I would have to eat one or the other so I started eating parts of the fish head to try and make them happy but then the dad must have got the idea that I really liked it and ripped out the core brain and skull and gave it to me. I just prayed for strength to overcome my gag reflex and that I wouldn't choke on a bone and die and chewed it up and swallowed it. 
Seur Seraphines baptism

We had another baptism this week of Seur Seraphine which went really good. She is definitely converted and a really awesome lady! Midway through the baptism, we had to give Seur Gentille (the really big lady who gave us the fire juice) a blessing because she had malaria and was just laying on the ground in super bad shape so that was kinda crazy. And on the way home, we went to get in our taxis and our entire ward had gotten into our taxis!!! Literally like 10 people + big mama Gentille!! Everything was full from the trunk to the front! Faces pressed to the glass and everything. Apparently, they all wanted a ride back so the rest of us all got in another taxi. Haha, definitely the highlight of my week :')
Love y'all!
Elder Briggs

I will answer some questions.  
Yes, I take my malaria pills and they don't make me sick, but they do give me really vivid dreams so during the MTC I started keeping a dream journal but I should probably burn it when I get home because they are really weird. Like last night I dreamed that you wanted me to help you forge a passport and I told you you shouldn't do it but you did it anyway and had me drop you and dad off at the airport and then next thing I heard you got caught and had a $200,000 fine and 1.5 years in prison and I felt bad for letting you do it. Yeah, really weird dreams. Some of what I eat is corn, I mean it just depends cause every doughy fufu or patte is either made out of corn, rice, manyock (don't know how to spell it) and inyam (also don't know how to spell). We have toilets and I prefer to use toilet paper but some places you can't get it so you just use the showerhead. Everyone else though just goes either in the road or they have this squatting hole thing in their little complex area that connects with all the other people around them. My companion is really good and I would say is probably one of the top obedient in the mission and is a good guy. It's just hard though because he speaks English so when it gets hard sometimes we just speak English so it's not complete immersion. But we talk a ton more now so that's good. Language is rough but it will come hopefully. I just can never understand anything anyone is saying and am not super confident in what I do know because a lot of times I'll say stuff and it won't make any sense to them. Everyone in the streets speaks ewe so I only hear French if they are talking to us really because French is everyone else's second language too. So none of the little kids really know French cause they learn it in schools and I'd say about half the lessons we teach are translated into ewe by a member. But sa va alle! (it will come) that's what everyone says to me so it's good! 
Love you, Elder Briggs

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