Met Martin Luther King

September 10, 2018
Roof top view

This week was pretty insane so I'm just gonna say a couple things (not the best ones, of course, hehe 😉). To start off if you ever have to take doxy in your lifetime. Drink lots of water. It just works out better that way. Doxy is the anti-malaria medication that we have to take every day and they tell us to take it with lots of food and water yadayada and we're all good. Well, I found out why they tell us to drink LOTS of water! Right before leaving for district meeting we were in a rush and I popped my doxy took a little sip of water and ran out the door and thought I would be fine. Noope. Turns out if you don't drink water it gets lodged in your throat and when it melts its burns a hole in your esophagus!! At least that is what it feels like. I thought I was going to die from my darn anti-malaria medication but slowly it's getting easier to swallow haha! 
Frere Roger, an amazing ami who is the one who is missing the leg from the car wreck recently. will talk more about him next week.

I went on splits with Elder Hall this week, another elder in our apartment and learned a lot of good things. It was kinda weird though having to show him where all the houses were and start off the lessons but it went really good. Well, after one of our last rendevous we both had to really go cause each house insists on giving you water so we decided to go to the church. For some reason, it was bolted from the inside so don't know what to do. We were quite a ways from the apartment so we decide to try and find somewhere closer but that's the thing here, there aren't bathrooms really anywhere besides just some wall. Well, it's getting bad like we REALLY have to go so we're walking these streets and get stopped by this guy who starts asking us really weird questions, meanwhile, I don't really know what he is saying so when Elder Hall flipped out a restoration pamphlet I just took it and told him all about it and then when I got done I decided to ask him if he was a member. haha Turns out he was already baptized so that was kinda awkward. Inactive though, so hopefully we made a good impression. We keep looking. We head to the sand soccer field where there might be one. There wasn't but some random guy was like "oh I know where you can go and started running his moto down the street and jumping on it trying to start it. We decided it probably wasn't a good idea to get on a motorcycle with this guy so we decided to walk where he told us. No bathroom there either. Finally I just give in to the African way and find a wall but Elder Hall refuses, and he said for us to just try and book it back to the appartment. Well, on the way back we got stopped by this drunk guy who started talking to us and wanted us to teach him right there. We've seen him before and he always wants pamphlets so we give him a word of wisdom pamphlet to read and explained to him that we can teach him but first he has to not drink before so he can understand what we're saying. Then the best part of the week right here. I ask him his name and after being offended that I forgot it he said IN ENGLISH "Martin Luther King, I have a dream" Literally the funniest thing ever. In all, we spent about 1.5 hours trying to find a bathroom and just ended up back at the apartment. 
After the story you can see why this would be a problem...

Anyway,s lots of other stuff but short on time but hope y'all have a great week!! The Church is true. This is literally Christ's church on the earth today and that is the best message anyone could hear so don't be afraid to share it like you know it!!
Love y'all! 
Elder Briggs

Other stuff:
It's pretty wild and my eyes have definitely been opened to how many different things you can put on a motorcycle as well as a bunch of other stuff but it's awesome. I like my area. It has the beach on it but it's not a nice beach but we don't really go there. We also have a huge port in our sector so we don't really go to a bunch of areas in it. My companion is awesome and oh boy the food. One thing that has hurt me is the Pima! it literally means spice and that's all it is but they put it in everything and is sooo hot. Like the kind of hot where it hurts coming out if you get what I'm saying... but I will get used to it... haha eventually. The language is coming slowly but it will come with more time I think. 

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