How Many People Does it Take to Baptize Someone?

December 31, 2018

Christmas dinner with an amazing family!
We are teaching the Boy right now.
Hope y'all had a great Christmas!! Christmas here was definitely nothing like home but the best part was definitely talking to my family! We spent the day just visiting some amis and members and we had a surprise dinner at one of our amis houses! We showed up and Seur Mary decided that we were going to teach her all the Christmas hymns in the hymn book while her daughter made dinner for us. haha She learned almost everyone and sometimes she would make us skip hymns until we got to a "more upbeat one" that she could dance too. 

Haha, we had a really interesting baptism this Saturday! We baptized Sandrine and Jean. Jean only has 1 leg and his other one is prosthetic so we were trying to figure out how we were going to baptize this man without drowning him so, Finally, we decided Elder Sorensen would baptize him and help him go down, and then I would be behind him to lift him back up once we got him all the way down. Haha, well it worked pretty good at first but his other leg without a foot kept coming up because there wasn't the ground to support him. So after having to redo it a couple times we decided that I would hold his leg underwater, and then once it was under I would move to the side and help lift him up and FINALLY, we got him baptized ðŸ˜‚ This guy is literally the nicest guy in the world and was so ready to hear the gospel. He works in this shack up against a wall repairing and shining shoes and when the missionaries stopped by one time he started asking a bunch of questions. Pretty soon he started walking the 1 1/2 miles on this wooden prosthetic leg to get to church even though it hurts a ton. I've just seen the end of his progression since I got here but his testimony is so strong. When we asked him who he wanted to baptize him he said "it doesn't really matter to me as long as he has the priesthood authority to do it". I just wanted to give him a hug right there and I'm so happy that the missionaries were able to find him. One thing I'm starting to learn is that there are no accidents in missionary work! Have a great week and a happy New Year!!

Elder Briggs 
Baptism of Frere Jean and Seur Sandrine

No explanation. I was pretty confused too ðŸ˜‚

Shattered windshield? No big deal! Just staple it back together!

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