All American and God's Love

 February 10, 2020

Everything switched up this week! We had transfers Wednesday, and I got a new comp! His name is Elder Raymond from Georgia and is a super amazing guy. He is a convert to the church and came on a mission after leaving the marines and his testimony is rock solid. We've been having a blast as this is my first American companion in almost a year and it's even more of a blast because there are also 2 other Americans in our apartment! A newbie is getting trained by Elder Williams. Haha, we decided we better take advantage of the chance we had and go try and play basketball this morning, but we ended up just walking around for 2 hours because Togo only likes soccer, so every basketball court we could find was on private school grounds and security would kick us out. Oh well, at least we tried 😂

 Just wanted to share one experience we had this week! We have this recent convert named Larissa who is 15 years old. In our follow up lessons we taught her about missionary work and challenged her to give a brochure to someone she thought was in need of our message. Well, she ended up giving TONS and got rejected a bunch by kids in her school. But there was one girl who decided to read the brochure. The next day she asked for another and another till we were able to get her a Book of Mormon and she started reading that too. Well now we've started teaching her and she's coming to church! Her aunt, at first, said we couldn't teach her, but Larissa started talking with her and her aunt said that she acted 'different' and if the gospel could change her daughter's rebellious attitude to the light she saw in Larissa, she would let us teach her!!! Haha, so OF COURSE we made her the promise that what we would teach her would change her, also!! Her name is Aline and she is someone literally so prepared for the gospel! She (Larissa) explained to us that some priest lady had said it was her fault that her mother had died when she was younger because she had some 'bad spirit' in her and her dad now blames this little 13-year-old for her mom's death and dropped her off at her aunt's house. She basically has been labeled "rebel and cursed'. When we taught her we were able to testify how much God really does love her and how it was not her fault that her mom died. People, I have never felt the spirit SO STRONG!! I promise all of you that something that God really wants us to know is, it's that He loves us and we can be made whole through him. 
Love y'all!
Elder Briggs
 Haha I bought foufou for 500 francs and my comp bought for 300 francs. There's literally no difference!! 😂 It was honestly pretty nasty cause it wasn't peeled all the way.
How we felt about our foufou.

What is up dad! With just all the stuff that happened the last couple weeks I haven't really had much time to be able to respond in the way I wanted to till now with my new comp!  But I had read your email and it has helped me the last couple weeks. Now that I'm on a mission I totally understand what you're saying about how your mission was. Definitely the Nephi affect where you just get tied to a mast - Liahona stops working - and the tempest rages all around even though it's not your fault. Sometimes I feel like we read so many stories in the Liahona magazine where it's like "so and so stood up and held strong against something bad like drinking alcohol and miraculously God saved him from that situation, and all turned out in the end." But it's not always true. Haha, they never tell when the guy in the story stands up and then gets completely wrecked and suffers. Thats how it usually ends. But it's totally worth it. Even though it's often confusing and easy to doubt yourself asking "Am I really right?" You always come out stronger in the end. 

During all this I read exactly what you told me in the bible in Galatians 1:10
"For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not..." “For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.”

That says it perfectly right! Haha, after all the crap I've put up with on the mission I swear I'm gonna come home and will just be so patient and chill (don't take my word for it though😉) thanks for your faith dad! Gee how thankful I am for my family. I never realized how lucky I got till I got here and saw the real world and the awful situations that missionaries I know have had to go through. (Americans and Africans) and it comes my turn to say how my parents have abused or hurt me and I got nothing to say! What a blessing, right! And I thank God every day for you guys. I learn so much every day and it's crazy how the mission has flown by and slow at the same time.  I'll be excited to go home, but as of right now I'm not yet ready. God still has got some stuff to throw my way. I've got a new comp and literally a stud. He's from Georgia and joined the church 6 years ago. He has joined the marines but got kicked out because he couldn't shoot and so he found his way on a mission and is a spiritual giant! There are also 3 Americans in my apartment now and I realized I had totally forgot how to just talk normal and joke around and so much stress has just disappeared! This transfer's gonna be a good one. Love you dad!

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