Ever Heard of the Holy Ghost? Yep, it's Real

 August 12, 2019

This week was spent just running around to all our amis trying to get those with baptism dates ready for baptism which makes me super excited! The field is WHITE People!! (white only as the metaphor) It was a little rough trying to get members to a bunch of lessons to translate for us, but I continue to be amazed how God helps those who cannot read or speak French, still get a testimony of the Book of Mormon and of the church! It's like when they truly have the desire to know and put in enough effort to get someone to translate passages for them, the spirit testifies stronger than ever. We are teaching these 3 ladies who live in the same area as a member. (pic below) 

 Picture with our bishop (top middle), Ruth, Wilfred, and Elaine (in the middle) 

Their names are Elaine, Wilfred, and Ruth. All 3 of them speak hardly any French but their testimonies are so strong! Elaine and Wilfred both had received witnesses from the Holy Ghost telling them that this was true but Ruth hadn't yet received it. She told us she prayed every night for God to help to know that this was true and this last week she had a dream. She was walking on a path and it was kind of dark around her. She was dressed in native voodoo ritual clothing with all the beads and bracelets. She was walking on this path and in front of her she saw 2 men dressed completely in white. They called out to her and asked if she would like to be freed from these voodoo powers. She told them that she did, but she said that their power was too strong to be freed from. Then the two men started to pray. She said she was confused because they didn't pray loudly and wildly (like they do in all the churches here) but they prayed very calmly and with a soft voice. She said as they were praying all of the voodoo marks and accessories fell off and she was filled with this really good feeling.  So, after that she decided to come to church, and she said when she came to church she was filled with that same feeling that she had felt in her dream! We were able to testify to her that that was the Holy Ghost that she felt in her dream and again at church and the 2 other ladies were able to share their testimonies also that what she had felt was the Holy Ghost because they had felt the same thing!!! Ahh, that's what it's all about. It is the happiest thing in the world for me when I see people receive their own personal testimony of the gospel! Everything we say about this being the true church and preparing the way for the second coming of Jesus Christ is the truth!! Christ is at the head of his church, and he is giving his disciples a testimony of it one by one. Love y'all have a great week!

Elder Briggs 

My new best friend, Mira

Hmm, maybe that isn't a good idea? 🤔

See that head sticking out of our water tank? Haha, no joke, the plumber took an actual bath in it!

Biggest voodoo complex so far! It's like a whole block long! 

How people move in Africa!

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