Qua de neuf?? sure its spelled wrong* means WHATS UP

June 12, 2018

Found this secret passage on the 5 floor through
 a window to a balcony with a sweet view!
(for all you people going here someday)
Alright from here on out the stuff that blew my mind that I wanted to tell y'all isn't as much because every day it is just about the same schedule-wise but that's good because that means I can start warming up to the culture here! The schedule usually goes like this. We wake up, get in cars, go to the beach, baptize a couple hundred on a slow day, come back, repeat. Haha jk jk now that we've been welcome and stuff after we eat breakfast (bless the days with oatmeal!) We have a mix of language study and gospel study in french. It was super weird how we did it though because at first, we were just trying to memorize phrases so we could spit stuff out but now we're getting into sentence structure which makes it nice cause now we can actually speak our minds! We have had to teach "seur rejoice" and "Frere Jaque" a bunch this week and I and my companion can actually spit out our message mostly for 10 minutes and SHE UNDERSTANDS US! The rest we do in charades. Hehe pretty sure if she wasn't actually our teacher pretending to be an investigator and wasn't already baptized.. she would be soon ;) 
My District

No, its crazy most people here have taken French in school so they are super good! I've got lots of catching up to do but I've already seen the gift of tongues in me and others. After next week us 6 weekers will be the top of the top around here because everyone else not learning a language will leave and a whole new group will come in besides about 3 districts who are learning English or French. And the crazy thing I found out; the Elder Kashala from Congo who I room with knows 5 languages!! definitely inspires me. 
BEST DAY EVER! Manna from the USA. 

Sundays here are the best. We watched this MTC " only special" that Elder Holland gave probably tops with the Elder Bednar one from last week. I would say y'all should go look it up but you're just gonna have to go on a mission to see it ;)
Elder Kaokaos sweet pjs

 One thing I have learned this week is that God will help us if we have faith in him. Not just the word faith but really truly believe that he can help us in our lives. He has helped me in the language, with difficult people, and with getting over homesickness (ya, who knew id actually miss y'all A TON ;) And I know that if we pray sincerely he will help you with whatever help you need. When no one else knows how you feel, you're wrong because God Knows exactly how you feel! Love y'all. And someone eat icecream or beef for me. I really miss them.
Elder Briggs
Prettiest temple grounds in the world hands down.

And if you can't see in the first pic, these trees are flat like fans! Like whaat?

The language is coming way better! We can teach and talk gospel stuff now but when the French elders try to say anything. I don't understand them because they talk so fast and I don't know any words in French besides gospel language. I memorized Joseph Smith's vision in French though! Working on other stuff like baptismal invitation and scriptures. We keep getting these motivational speeches by these teachers because we need them to not just give up I think. It's frustrating but its starting to flow better. I have put way more trust in God this week! And all the blessings were right about the companion thing. He is going through something really hard right now and has got a blessing and stuff from the mission president but I just am trying to figure out ways that I can help him. Mostly just being nice and understanding I think. The power goes out all the time now too like rn the power is out but somehow the computers still work on some backup thing. Also, could you send something to me ASAP!? I found out that I can get letters from the US in less than 3 weeks so if you're going to send anything you should probably do it now in a letter I mean. Could you send me that mp3 tiny sd card full of music this week please? Or like Caleb to make one? I'll email him too.  I will get it right before I leave if you do. I just want music so bad because I realized I only have like 5 songs on it and the rest talks :')

Love you mom!! A couple times this week I've gotten so homesick and just legitly cried because I miss our family so much and friends, and just life in general but I think helping my companion will help me forget about myself.  

I think anyone would be too scared to go home if they were all the way out here because it's just to far out of everyone's way :') I will remember that! we've talked a lot about remembering who we want to be when we get back and in this quote Elder Bednar said something awesome like " your biggest convert on your mission should be you, but it would be if that's what your thinking about the whole time". which is me I want to change so much that I will never change if that's what I'm thinking about so I just got to go to work. haha aw, poor Chloe tell her hey for me she emailed me. Just ship the food to Africa! specifically to me. Please just something besides rice :')  Ah I miss Jane so much. Tell her hey for me and that I hope she has fun on her trip and that I want her to go and catch a fish for me on the Boulder cause I miss fishing already. love you thanks!
Elder Briggs 

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And just like that . . . I'm home!

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