I know its long... but at least read the end ok ;)

July 19, 2018

A bunch of guys leaving the MTC
Just finished out my 3rd week here so as Journey would say " whoaa-a were half. way. theeere" (punctuation makes sense if you sing it ;) Everyone in the MTC left either super early this morning or are leaving sometime today which will leave about 23 people left here so we got the whole place to ourselves until Thursday when about 150 more kids will come in! Were going to welcome them and stuff and so to make it interesting they might end up believing that we are from other parts of the world if you know what I'm saying ;) But I'm excited though! Its crazy how much you can learn to love someone in such a short amount of time but last night there were a lot of tears shed. These people blow my mind with how giving they are. Some have hardly anything but still find important things in their life that they will just give you. It really impressed me. 
Doing a little $ exchange with my number 1, Elder Asemota!

Got my first MTC hair cut and the dude was crazy good! Haha, I thought he would just shave my head like all the other Africans but luckily there's been enough blancs through. This guy was never even taught how to cut he just said "it was a gift"! 
A little late night serenading

I've met some of the most amazing guys I've met in my life here and most have amazing conversion stories I could just talk forever telling stories. This week in one of our conferences we were having group discussions and I saw a book that one of the French elders had. It was below him and I couldn't read the cover. That was because the cover was so worn and rubbed that the print of "The Book of Mormon" had been almost completely erased. The book's pages were likewise just as worn and were brown and no longer white. I could see the seeps of highlighter and other markings coming out the sides. In all, it was the most used, and worn book I have seen in my whole life. This was the book he got when he was an investigator and had used ever since. I literally almost started to cry just looking at it. I thought to myself that after my whole life and with everyone in the church we get these nice sets of scriptures, they go in this nice case and look pretty and valuable from the outside but do we love them? I realized that this elder, although his book was worn, had a way more valuable book than I have had in my life because he treated it like such. This book has been his whole life and I realized that I had had this book accessible my whole life and never had an ounce of love towards it comparable to this elder. That experience I think will forever change my view on The Book of Mormon and I have challenged myself and hopefully, you will take the challenge, too, to forget about what your book looks like or let it sit on the shelf and develop a love for it because to some people it is all they got (almost literally)! Love yall and miss you guys so much! 
-Elder Briggs

There is this elder named Elder Nsiah. He is from here in Accra and Kumasi.  Me and him are really great friends and his story is super inspiring and amazing to me. He told me this the other night. His dad died when he was 5 and never grew up with a dad. Because of this lack of fatherly support he got into a gang when he was a teenager. He wouldn't talk to his family and would be gone for weeks at a time. They would mug and beat people and have gang fights with other gangs. His best friend was in another gang and got shot which was super hard for him. They would have shootings and stuff and somehow through all the fights he never got hurt even though others would get cut up and beat with machetes etc. He credits  God with that. About 3 years ago he got a pamphlet from the elders on the street and would run away from them every time he saw them after that. Finally, one day though he decided to call them and set up an appointment. He read and prayed about the Book of Mormon and knew it was true. He joined the church and moved to Kumasi so that he wouldn't get killed by the gang and got a better relationship with his family. He is the only member of his family and really wants his mom to join the church and prays for her every day. I told him I would pray for her too. Mom the amount of faith of some people here is literally insane. We are all literally SOOO BLESSED are we not!!!!

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