"So you don't know what it is... and your eating it"

August 20, 2018
Found a nice beach today and this is insane,
 the fishermen actually go fishing in these things!! 

Hey y'all, I survived my first full week in the field! We have just been teaching every day and have some amazing amis who have baptism dates fixed who will be getting baptized soon! There are a bunch of people we are teaching who are about ready to be baptized but most people here are blocked by the dote which is this dowery thing required in Togo to be able to be married and is really expensive but they are all working hard to get it paid so they can be baptized. 

We are teaching this stud named Severine and he learned English cause he lived in ghana for a little bit so those are definitely my favorite lessons because I can actually understand what is going on and teach in English :') The members here are awesome too and are always willing to translate and want to feed us and are always bringing friends to church. Haha, literally model members and I love them so much!! 
If you give this guy the bread he will hook you up with street meat sandwiches which are dang good!

And speaking of food.. hehe.. definitely got some fun stories of that! This was a little over a week ago but we had our first rendezvous with these awesome members who got baptized in April. So they bring out this stuff called Patte which is just this big ball thing of sticky stuff that can be made out of a different couple things but you and the family just sit all around it on these little benches and everyone picks this stuff up with their hands and dips it into this sauce stuff (usually fiery hot) but its got all kinds of meats and chopped up stuff you don't really know what it is you just kind of eat it so we were all sitting around eating and the Dad told me to eat the meat in it (which you have to do of course) so I pick up this bony thing I can't really see cause it's covered in sauce and put it in my mouth and just rip off whatever comes off, chew it up and eat it, So I'm eating it and I'm like "dang this bone is kind of round" and then it hits me... I spit it out and look at it and its a chicken head!! haha yup It was pretty traumatic for my first meal with members. 
A bunch of kids who live in the same compound

We were at this other member's house this week and everyone calls her "mama gentille" because she is this huge lady who loves to feed the missionaries so we're teaching her niece and she comes in and makes us drink these bottles full of this brown stuff. We told her we were teaching but she insisted and so all these kids gather around and I know what this stuff was cause I tasted a drop another time and it's this ginger juice straight which is literally LIQUID FIRE!!! We decided to just chug it and I honestly couldn't breathe for a good half hour, its like straight tabasco sauce! Turns out, around the elders it is called the "double headed fire juice".. for a very good reason. 
This ginormous wasp flies into our apartment and the first pamphlet my comp grabs to kill it.. coincidence. I think not.

Anyway, This week I had some of the most spiritual experiences I have had so far in my life and I just want to let each and every one of you know that I know without a single doubt in my mind that the power of the priesthood is real. It is not just something that sounds nice or something that gives titles in the church it is the LITERAL power of God on this earth and is as tangible as you and me or anything else. God HAS restored his authority, power, and church back upon this earth! Love y'all and hope have a good week!

-Elder Briggs

When it rains, IT RAINS

Haha ya i can tell you "some stuff".. just not the parts about us getting kidnapped and held for randsom and our epic escape that happened this week. no big deal. ;) We have been giving a ton of blessings here! I didn't realized how much the priesthood is used as a missionary but idk especially here we give a toon. Haha and whenever we go into this members house who has this little tv she is always watching these african shows and let me tell you their media is insane!! Like I can't even describe it but there is the weirdest stuff in the world and they believe that all of its true! Like mermaids, and cursing family lines, you name it it exists and telling them otherwise is a waste time so you just have to go around it in lessons. It's really good out here we are just teaching but ya its hard not knowing French but I've learned to just smile and speak the little I do know to people and it makes them way happy. The food is good! We went to this super marche in Lome today to the only place that sells Cinnamon toast crunch!! hehe I will not tell you how much it cost but it was worth it 100%. For lunch and dinner we usually just get food from these street mamas like spagetti, or street meat sandwiches but trust me its not as sketch as it sounds as long as you check yourself before you know what your getting into. I have think I've lost a little weight from the MTC though because they dont really have protein here so I mostly just rely on the peanut butter we bought (also outragously priced) to make up for that. They eat alot of fried stuff but also a toon of fufu and patte which techniqually has no nutritional value just makes you full but that's only a couple times a week. We have plenty of food though at the appartment if we want it. Ya where we live would definately be insane in america but here it is just a miracle we have running water cause everyone here just has this community circle things with wells in the middle. one night this week it just hit me in this way that can only be known by living here, like from all the pictures, stories, even visiting I don't think you can ever truly know until you know. I almost started crying cause I just looked around and realized that it was literally smaller than most storage units people in america have and was not even close in quality and this is there life, yet some how they are so insanely happy. Just take my word for it we are soooo insanely blessed Love you!! also did you send that MP3 chip yet? I found out you can get stuff here! all of the elders have gotten there packages and stuff it just takes 1 month to 2 depending on how you do it but my comp says he has gotten all his stuff. (so also if able please send more clippers ;) )
Love Elder Briggs

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