All Pics Especially for You

November 12, 2018

Alright, y'all this week I want to do something just a little bit different 'cause we have had the same awesome teaching all week long but nothing insanely different, but to sum up the work here it is going great and we have fixed baptism dates this week with 4 amazing kids who always come to church and I'm so excited for them! We have a bunch of new amis too so I'm excited to see them progress. This week I realized that the highlights and stories of the week are summed up in the pictures so I'm just going to explain some of them for you.. if that's alright with you😉

1. This is our new district!! We got 2 new sisters added to our district and I sure feel bad for 2 of them because they got whitewashed AND one of the sisters is getting trained!! Pretty rough. The other one that came is from the Congo like Elder Munogongo and 2 Congolese in the same district adds a little fire. 

2. Alright, you have to zoom in on that sign to the left and read it. It is in French but this is what it says. "traditional healing! heals the following: Sorcery, Hemroids, Hypertension, Diabetes." I don't know about you but anyone who can heal those sicknesses in that order has my business cause with sicknesses like that I think that they probably can heal everything in between too! ðŸ˜€

3. This hilarious little kid is named Stan and I believe that he is going to grow up and be a super hero. Either that or he has watched a lot of superhero movies cause every time he sees me he gets this serious look on his face, runs in slow motion, jumps up in the air and body slams (something) on the ground! I don't know how it never hurts him but it so funny to watch and every time I see Stan my day is made.

4. This is dinner... just kidding, that's gross. This is a member's pet rat and it is definitely as scary as it looks in the picture. The kid, thought it was pretty funny to take a picture of a "white rat with a white man."

5.We celebrated Halloween a little late here. Not a pumpkin but as close as we will get. Elder Albrecht after he ate his watermelon carved our district on it and it ended up pretty sweet!

6. Our primary did their presentation of the Saint-ene or I guess it would be called the primary program but a little different. Our primary is HUGE with over 50 kids (more than half our ward) and I think they could probably split the ward with a ward of just kids. And they are all super smart too! Almost every single one of them came up and recited a scripture by memory, something crazy long like the whole 10 commandments from the bible!

7.-9. The beach! (Closest ill get to swimming) The fisherman were at work and I know now why Christ chose his apostles from fishermen. They are insane! I talked to a kid working there and he said that they will take those little boats out, drop the net, and after waiting a bit will come back and everyone on the shore will start pulling it in. You can see them doing it in the background and they pull hundreds and hundreds of yards of this in with fish in it. Some guys are swimming in the ocean doing it too and have to dive under the wave ever time it comes to keep from getting smashed. 
Have a great week and love yall!
Elder Briggs

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