Cure for Cancer?

November 19, 2018

Meal at a members
I want to tell yall an experience we had this week that was pretty sweet! So there are 6 kids that we are teaching right now and we teach them in twos cause they are either siblings or friends that live by each other. Thursday night this week we went to go teach these two boys who are 12, Leon and Jesoue. They are the nicest kids ever and love getting taught every time. Well, we showed up and there was this mama there and another lady who were talking bad things the church and trying to get us all fired up but we just started our lesson with these two kids and it was like everything was just shut out for 35 minutes. We told the story of Joseph Smith and how he saw God and Jesus Christ. During that lesson the spirit was so strong and in tears, we got to see these boys receive a witness from the Holy Ghost that what we had said was true. God gave a witness of the truth not just to them but to me too and I testify to all of you that God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith and he was foreordained and called by God to be the prophet of the restoration. After that lesson, the ladies started talking again but it was cool to see these two 12-year-old boys not even regard what they were saying cause they knew what they felt.
Ami we're teaching. This little girl is a stud! Her mom and brother are always at work so she takes care of her little brothers all day and cooks for all of them.
We had another rendevous that was a little... interesting. We showed up to teach 1 ami at the house of a member but it turns out she had invited 3 friends to receive teaching! Well, we got the son of the member to translate for us but pretty soon this one lady started translating instead. Ok whatever, we thought, that's fine but then she started answering the questions of the other Amis with actually sound doctrine! By the end of the lesson, she was testifying to everyone that what we had taught was true because she had been praying for the gift of discernment! The hard part was trying to get her to stop testifying about what she said!! She just went on and on and on and I've never had someone so sure about anything we've taught like that! I hope it didn't scare the other amis away😂 
Centipede on steroids.
You know how I sent that pic of "naturelle Healing" last week! Turns out literally every plant in this country does something! No one here really believes in medicine and every plant or tree you can see fixes something. I would point at stuff and the member I was with would say what it healed. Malaria, diarrhea, headache, cancer.. ya that's right. Cancer!! Ya, I don't know how the secret isn't out in America but apparently, there is a tree here that prevents and treats cancer ðŸ˜‚ Not sure how true that one is but all the other stuff seems to work!
Happy Thanksgiving this week! Love y'all!
Elder Briggs

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