First week in Kegue!

December 17, 2018

Elder Sorensen
This week was a blast!! Got moved into our new apartment, and new sector and I'm loving it!! Me and Elder Sorensen have our own apartment which is really nice. He is a stud missionary who wants to be obedient, follow the spirit, and work hard and that's what we have been trying to do this last week! I'm learning a ton from him! Elder Sorensen is from Texas and came with me at the same time. It has made it really nice because we are both young and there is no senior companion. But also hard because we are both young and still trying to figure out what people are saying to us :') I got really blessed to walk in on such a great sector with a bunch of amis who are progressing and ready to be baptized. 

 We had one really great experience this week with one of our amis! His name is Frere Manou. He has come to church for the past month and the missionaries have met with him a bunch of times. He has been a bunch of religions, Catholic, Muslim, and Rasta and has read all their scripture looking for the truth. In less than 2 weeks he read the ENTIRE Book of Mormon!! This guy is insane! In between just one time of teaching him he had read from Mormon, finished the Book of Mormon and was in section 38 of D&C! In this lesson we had with him we answered some questions that he had and he shared his testimony about how he knew that the Book of Mormon was true. At this point we haven't taught him any of the lessons but he told us that he knew that the Book of Mormon was true and how free he felt when he read it. The spirit was really strong and we invited him to be baptized. He accepted! It was a really cool to me how even if someone doesn't know about the restoration, plan of salvation, or gospel of Jesus Christ they can still feel the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon if they are truly looking for truth. 

Weird name for a bar...

As for cool things this week remember the joke about them eating rats I made?  It isn't a joke now :') yup. We were walking down the street and some guy is just sitting there selling rats hanging by their necks with all their hair scrapped off. kinda gross. We are on the edge of Lome and so our sector goes out to this village that is about 30 minutes away called Jagble. There are a whole lot of "black mambas" here but I saw my first real on the ride up there!! There was this huge black mamba snake in the rode so some guy stopped and killed it and no joke when he held it up it was as big as he was! It is pretty cool, just out in nowhere with huts and farmland. There are a bunch of members up there and I'm amazed by how much they sacrifice to come to church each week with about 1 1/2 hours of walking and driving to get there. Definitely have to have a strong testimony to do that!
Love y'all!
Elder Briggs
This dudes got my respect.

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