I'm going to Kegue!!

December 10, 2018
Pic with our amazing bishop and his wife!!

First off, transfer calls came this week and I'm going to Kegue!! It's on the other side of Lome and is a really big sector that has our stake center in it which will be really nice. I'm going to be working with Elder Sorenson who is an Elder who came the same time as me. Here it is unheard of for 2 people who came at the same time to be put together so early in the mission but somehow we got put together and I'm super excited 'cause I already know that he is a super hard worker and is a stud of a missionary!! 

This week was pretty crazy because we had so many mission activities, but it was a blast! We had our zone service activity where we swept up all these leaves (because somehow it its Fall all year round here and the leaves never stop falling) and we painted the house of the Chef de Cartie. I'm trying to think what it would be like in America and the closest thing I can think of is that it's somewhat like the mayor but its a birth right and more of like a royalty position for each sector in Lome. We painted his whole house a nice bright pink...and got paint on literally everything, floor, ceiling, windows everywhere!! I was thinking the whole time that we were lucky no one cared here cause we would get sued so fast in America for what we just did. He ended up liking it though, so no problem! 
Service Project

We had a conference with Elder Nash the next day who is a 70 authority in Africa west. It was amazing and just talked about everything our mission needed and the spirit was super strong. After that we had our Christmas party for our whole mission and everyone invited their amis to this celebration we put on with a bunch of singing and scriptures. 4 of our amis came to it and we haven't even taught them yet!! They were these 4 guys all about 20 that were just sitting outside making these bracelets. We asked them if they could make some for us and we invited them to this thing and they actually came!! Haha, turns out they thought it was going to be a legit party with dancing and all the crazy party things our church doesn't do ðŸ˜‚ But then they came to our stake conference on Sunday and want to take lessons, so I really hope they progress after I leave!!

We finally had a baptism on Saturday of 4 kids (Lydia, Godwin, Mafille, Esther) that we've been teaching!! It was the best baptismal service we've had with tons of members who came and it ran perfectly!! All 4 of the kids bore their testimonies afterwards, even though there were a ton of people there and Godwin's testimony was the best!! He got up there and said "I am now the new person, In the name of Jesus Christ Amen". I love those kids so much!! 
Our salad mama who I'm probably going to miss most of all ðŸ˜‰

One thing I've learned this week is that we are all going to go through hard times. Sometimes we will will cry to God why is this happening to me? And then we wont get a response to our question. But I know that if we are patient through our trials after it is over we will always look back and receive the answer as to "why it happened to us". I know that God has a plan for each and everyone of us and if we will put our trust in him though the hard times we will see that it wasn't just a hard time but a preparation for the next thing God has in store for us!
Love y'all!
Elder Briggs 
Haha, this pic has a lot of mattresses but were driving down the street and see this dude riding on the back of a moto with A MATTRESS in between him and the driver!! Don't know why but somehow this looked like a really bad idea... 
 And I'm so pumped cause I'm working with Elder Sorensen who is someone who came with me and he practically wants to do everything I want to do! Just go super hard in the sector, learn French really good, literally everything, so I'm super excited. Oh, and I'm going to be the district leader!! Like WHAT? I'm pretty nervous because I'm pretty new on the mission and don't really got the language or a bunch of things down and the district is the biggest one in Togo so it's actually like a legit district! But I'm excited for it, too. I'm going to learn a lot!

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