Power doesn't work...but the fire alarm does!

December 3, 2018

Sorry, y'all I didn't email last week. The power here is always just on and off every day but last Monday it was out throughout most of Lome for the whole day so we didn't get to email. And funny story with that!! Last Monday I needed to go to Elder Bullock's apartment to get a hair cut but it was a struggle getting there. First, our taxi didn't show up so we called another one but when the other one got there the guys were just finishing repairing the cement on our door where someone had chiseled off two of the hinges. So that meant that we couldn't use any of the doors to get out until the next day. Well, we found the key to this swinging garage door that no one ever uses and decided we could go use that door instead. Because it was never used the entire thing was rusted over but after a little vegetable oil and a lot of banging, we got it open. But then it wouldn't shut! So then the guy doing the concrete just took a hammer to the door for about 20 minutes and turns out if you hit something enough, it works!😀 we finally got to their apartment and Elder Bullock started cutting my hair. He had buzzed half of my head.. and that was it because the power cut and didn't come on until the next day!!!  Haha, so I went home with a half-cut head and had to just finish it myself the next day. 

Also turns out our fire alarms work! Like really well, too! Last week, on Thursday I had decided it would be a good idea to cook some beans. Well, it was already late but they were almost done so I decided I would go get ready for bed then come back and take them off. So I got ready for bed but just went to bed and completely forgot that I had beans cooking. But I remembered when the fire alarm started going off at 1 in the morning!! I've never gotten out of bed so fast and run to the kitchen and the whole place is just full of smoke so I grab the pot, and throw it outside and then try and figure out how to turn off the fire alarm. The button to turn it off didn't work so Elder Albrecht ended up just ripping out the batteries. Anyway, there was a nice burn mark on the wall but luckily the apartment is solid concrete and impossible to catch on fire! 
Anyway lots of stuff in 2 weeks so I'm just going to give a couple pics!

1-2. I went on splits with Elder Eki and got to stay over with ex-companion from the MTC, Elder Culotta, and so, of course, it was tons of fun! Elder Eki's area is right along the lake and so we were walking along the shore where we had a rendevous and this member called us over. I thought he was fishing at first but then I saw this hawk out over the lake fly down to pick something up, when it flew back up it fell straight into the water! The guy then jumped in this tiny tiny dug out canoe and rowed out with stick, picked up the hawk, and came back! This guy is insane I have no idea how he does it but he snares the hawks with a fish in the water and then sells them for something. Definitely very illegal in the United States, but here... it's just really cool ðŸ˜‰

3-4. Me an elder Albrecht celebrated Thanksgiving! We actually ate pretty good and made mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken, corn, the whole thing! Don't get me wrong, its not quite the same as back home, but was still pretty good! 

5. And here are 2 of the girls who are getting ready to be baptized this next week! 

Also just want you all to know that although this church isn't the easiest church to be a part of, I know for a fact that is is the only church with all the power and authority necessary for the ordinances of salvation and that it is, in fact, the same church established by Jesus Christ himself. I know that even though people decide to leave the church because of the "craftiness of men," that does not change the fact that this is the church of Jesus Christ and will role forth until it has covered the whole earth. Please don't get complacent in your testimony of it because that is when you give the devil the upper hand to persuade you that everything you have known and felt never happened. Guard your testimony like your life and never stop giving it the things necessary for it to live. Love you all and hope you have a great week! 
Elder Briggs

Answers to questions:
They (the mashed potatoes) turned out so good!!! Ever since thanksgiving I have been buying potatoes and making hash browns and eggs every morning and its the best thing ever. I'll send a pic in my big email. We also found green beans which was a miracle and Thanksgiving was pretty good just me and Elder Albrecht in our own American world listening to Christmas music. Haha, also Africans hate mashed potatoes! Which is weird cause the practically eat the same thing with inyam. Haha, we get 80,000 francs. that's like 148$. we eat with members every once in a while but not to often. about once a week at this one members house. Ya they have potatoes! they are kind of expensive but its totally worth it. Haha, don't worry mom i do! 148 and you can live really good here. We are pleeeenty well off in comparison to what everyone else lives off of.

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