Almost bought a toilet . . . but started a moto instead!

June 17, 2019 

So, a couple weeks ago we decided to go to the end of our sector to talk to some people that usually aren't on our way and so we were walking along the edge where the town meets the marsh/ forest and we see this man working in a rice field. So, we start to walk out to him ,and he yells out to us in english "My brothers, come!" Turns out he was from Ghana and we told him we were missionaries. He said "That's is great, I'm a pastor!" Haha, we turn around and there in back of us was his church. So, we started explaining our message a little and then we go straight into the Book of Mormon and he was actually super interested and said he has always wondered if there was another people who talked of Christ. So, we have been going back and have started teaching him and turns out all of his sons are pastors too! Haha, so we gave them Book of Mormons as well. He was definitely one of the best pastors I've seen here who actually has a desire to serve God and do his will instead of just rob from the poor so we will see if he can do as Christ said and "Leave everything behind, and follow me". 

Baptism of an amazing couple who were finally able to get baptized!! Fr. Loboué and Sr. Cynthia
Update on our fr. Maurice who cut his leg with a macheté last week! Well just like you would expect from the description I gave it got super bad a couple days after he cut it. It had swollen up insanely huge and blisters were forming (which is not good if they pop), he stopped eating and at 3 am he was in super bad shape with a crazy high fever so the bishop and Elders quourm president took him to the hospital in the middle of the night and turns out he had tetanus because the doctor hadn't given him a shot when he sewed him up! So they reopened his cut and redid everything and he is doing good now!  This ward gets best ward award hands down. 
Cute baby I found 
Funny experience this week, we were walking back to eat lunch one day and we passed this teenager who was trying to start this moto. Well, we passed by and across the street there were a bunch of toilets they were selling and so I leaned to my companion and asked him in French if he wanted to buy a toilet. Well, its definitely still a little rough for my companion and French after only 3 weeks so he says yes! So, I stop and tell him "ok lets go get one!" and started walking back to where they were. Then my companion ran up in front of me to where the kid was who was trying to start his moto and jumped on it and started it and then came back to where I was standing with a big smile on his face thinking that I had asked him if he wanted to go start the moto for the kid 😂 I was so proud of him for helping the guy I didn't even bother to tell him what I really had said and I just told him good job. He is such a stud! He is such an awesome example to me that whatever we have that we can use to serve someone, use it. He doesn't know French but he knows how to start a moto and so that's what he gave. Stay with me but it makes me think about how God has given us all different gifts. Yes, maybe we don't have the same ones that our friends or neighbors have, but we do have the ones that we have and it's those gifts that God wants us to use to bless the lives of others. 
Love y'all!
Elder Briggs
 A weird looking snake that looks like a worm we found while working in Maurices corn field. (probably insanely poisonous 😉)

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