Bean Boozled and Break In

 February 24, 2020

Wow this week was great! So, first we went up to Kpalimé to do splits and showed up just as they had gotten robbed! (hold up, not yet at the great part) We rolled up about 9 at night and their gate was wide open along with their front door. I thought they were just trying to scare us or something, but they weren't even there, so we called them up and told them we were in their apartment waiting for them. They were super confused as to how we got into their apartment as they had locked it and hadn't come back... So, we hung up quick and checked to make sure no one was still in the apartment. The guy had broken the gate open just by chiseling a tiny bit of cement from the bolt on bottom then had smashed the lock open to the front door and had stolen the Elder's cameras and cash from his wallet. Ya, so gotta hate that guy right. But at least he left the bikes, piano and couches! Haha, he even left all the credit cards in the Elders wallet (I guess he isn't too much a techy guy).

I know I could have fallen... But I didn't! 😉

Besides that, the splits were sweet and we did a bunch of interviews for candidates they had up there. Y'all know that game Bean boozled? The jellybeans with nasty flavors that are sometimes good, sometimes gross (for example skunk spray, rotten fish, rotten egg, throw up etc.) Elder Cullotta got that sent to him and we played it that night until every jellybean was gone and it was hilarious. Elder Raymond and Elder Singo both ended up throwing up everywhere. Luckily, Gods on my side or something cause every bean I got wasn't poisoned! 😎

This is clearly not the goats first photo shoot

We've got an ami that hopefully will be able to get baptized this week if he can get his marriage situation worked out named Thierry. This week it's like God has just been placing so many people in our path who are so prepared to hear our message. I've realized the difference of God placing someone in our paths or not entirely depends on our willingness and desire to FIND people that God wants to bring to his gospel. We are tools in his hands and when we have the desire to serve him, he will use us to bring to pass his miracles! 
It's a monkey! Haha, the dude tried selling it to me too - it was tempting!

Anyways, I realized I need to keep it short cause I don't have much time left, but I hope y'all have a great week and make someone's week around you better than it was gonna be!
Love Elder Briggs
Cute kids at the pump!

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And just like that . . . I'm home!

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