God's Help and Sketchy Food

April 29, 2019

Sorry I missed y'all last week, but I'm in my new sector of Baguida now! The last 2 weeks have flown by and me and my Comp are starting to wash out the whitewash we got thrown into. We did splits with the zone leaders this week and had a super cool experience! We had just been going from rendevous to rendevous but we had one fall through, so we had a little bit of time just out in the sector. So, we decided to do some street contacting. Well, we had a rendevous in the opposite direction, but Elder Marshall felt like we should go the opposite way down this one street. So, we started going just looking for people to talk to and this boy stopped us. He told us his dad is a member so we had him show us where he lived, and it turns out that the whole family were members! The member told us that his 2-year-old daughter was sick, and we were able to give her a blessing! I definitely learned the importance of following the spirit and I know that it will be there to guide you as long as your worthy of it and are there listening. 

This is what the edge of our sector (area) looks like.

The work here is going great, and this sector is sweet! It's practically the ocean... except without water and just sand :') TONS of it!! Its super crazy calm and we can walk in our sector all day without seeing hardly a moto which is nice. Funny thing that happened this week - me and my comp got back and decided to get some spaghetti at this restaurant for dinner. Well, we head on over there and there is this DJ (with ear plugs in) blasting the music louder than the speaker is even capable of to where your ears are bleeding and you want it to just stop. We sat down at a table and the lady came to take our orders. She leans down so she is practically yelling in our ears (and I still can't hear her) "What do you want?" So we say, "can you turn it down!" She yells "sorry, were all out!" We say "no the music, turn it down!" so she goes and tells the dude to turn it down. Well after a couple minutes the sly guy had turned it up back to the same volume thinking we wouldn't notice. Haha and so during all this we see this worker outside with these super disgusting dead animals/rabbit/dog/looking thing that looked like they had been dead for a week. He had them in a bucket and was washing them with soap and water and we were joking that it's probably gonna end up in my food. Well, we get back to the apartment with our food and my companion takes a bite of what he thought was meat and spits it everywhere then runs to the bathroom and washes his mouth out with soap. Sooo... yeah not going back there. Love y'all and have a great week!

Elder Briggs

Remember that same crazy guy on the ladder from last time!? Saw him again and he's still alive!!

This is insane! this guy in our ward makes Kenté which is this hand woven african material and this is how they do it! they have all these strings and stuff that they pull with their toes as there going and they made this whole set up just out of string and sticks.

Best way to get contacts! Play a short game of soccer then go to all of their houses and meet their families! 

My Companion, Elder Le Gall! Yup. Some missions get bikes... we get motorcycles. ;)  jk :(

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