Went to the Doctor's Office

 September 2, 2019

First off, my mind has been blown realizing that fancy words in English are just easy French! For example, your dessert "creme Brulé" just means burnt creme in French. Yup, and Deja vu means "already seen"! AND dormant! Like in "the bacteria are dormant in the cell..." Dormant is just French for sleeping! 1 year and 2 months down and finally unlocking the secrets of French 😎

Mangevous at fr. Akakpovignons house!
Anyways 2 experiences this week! Funny one first... but the better ones at the end ;)
Our recent convert had Malaria this week (not the funny part) and we went to his house to visit him. He had taken 2 of the 3 injections for it but still had to get the 3rd and he wanted us to go with him so we could watch his son while he got the shot. So, we walked around the corner to the "private clinic" -that is what he called it, but I think in America we would call it an "illegal clinic." Haha, it's on the DL just a normal looking house with no signs on it or anything but when you walk in there is one chamber that has a bunch of medical stuff in it and another one with beds and IVs hanging above it. So, we sit down, and our convert Loboué goes in to get the shot in his rear. Well, his son Emanuel, who is like 2 is the naughtiest kid hands down I've ever met, breaks away and runs into the room where his dads getting the shot. So, I chase in after him (definitely seeing more than I ever wanted to) and Loboué just yells BRIGGS!! Haha, so I pick Emanuel up and carry him out, who in the process of getting him to the bench, takes off his shoes and all his pants. I try to get him to put them back on, but he just throws his pants at me and runs away. Loboué comes out and he can't walk or bend over to pick up Emanuel so he screams "BRIGGS, TAKE HIM!" So I throw this little naked boy over my shoulder screaming and fighting and we walk out of there with Loboue limping and my companion carrying the pants and shoes. Ya, we got a few weird looks. 
"Private clinic" with Loboué

We were teaching this mama this week and she asked this really great question! She asked, "If someone didn't know anything about Jesus Christ, could he learn enough about him in the Book of Mormon?" I thought about if for a minute and then told her yes!! Definitely! It is a testimony of Jesus Christ! And we were able to explain all the doctrine that was lost in the Bible but revealed in the Book of Mormon and how it accomplishes multiple prophesies in the Bible. As we were explaining she stopped us and said, "Where is your church?" We told her, then she said, "What time does it start?" This lady had the desire to come to church soley based of the Book of Mormon and that it is a testament of Jesus Christ! She said she will read it and I've learned that if someone will actually read the Book of Mormon with real intent to change if it's true, 100 percent of the time they will get baptized because it is THE convincing evidence of the restoration of the fullness of the gospel! That's why the prophet has asked us to read every day because it's through the testimony of this keystone we can hold all the other truths of the gospel together that make up Our testimony. 
Love y'all! 
Elder Briggs
I'm hoping this guy doesn't have to turn. 

Going to church yesterday. (Haha, yeaaah, including the missionaries there were 10 people there), The roads were so flooded no one could get to church!

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