Got back-handed..spiritually ;) (also sorry if this is two emails)

September 17, 2018
This is how the ENTIRE sector looks after it rains!!

Transfers this week!! Aaaannnd I ammm.. going nowhere. They don't usually switch you when you're being trained so of course I am staying here in Ablogame but it was exciting for everyone else and Elder Hall in our apartment is leaving and another Elder who is from France is coming so hopefully it will help out with my French!! 

So this week we have just been trying to get all these kids I mentioned earlier ready for baptism but the hard part is that we couldn't find a translator all week because these kids only know ewe so we couldn't teach most of them which was kind of sad. But we taught those three kids I mentioned and it was literally the cutest thing ever. We had planned the appointment about a week in advance and usually when it's like that we have to go hunt them down for their appointment but the second we walked into there gate they all started freaking out and had set out a table and chairs and everything with each a pad of paper and pens. Haha, nothing can make a lesson better than that! They are on fire with the gospel and just soak in everything and are the cutest kids. They want us to come over every single day to teach them so we have them scheduled as much as we can. 
When they talk about rain in Africa it ain't a joke. IT RAINS! This isn't even an exaggeration! 

We are teaching that Frere Roger who I mentioned is missing his leg. He is progressing well except the only problem is that it is impossible to get him to church right now! With his crash, it messed up his other leg really bad too. So this makes it impossible for him to really move at all. Every day he sits on this bench outside his house, but on crutches it takes him about half an hour to get from his house to that bench because the pain of any pressure or touch on his leg gives him a ton of pain. This makes it impossible for him to get in a taxi or on a moto, too, but we will find a way to get him there.
Our district

 Ooh, and I am finally able to get cow skin down (which I haven't been able to do cause it's like a trigger for gag reflex) so now I think I've got most of the food monsters here conquered hehe! 
Another Monster shark

Ok, one last really awesome experience that happened this week was with this ami named Seur Happy. We were sitting there teaching her about prayer and the Godhead (cause everyone is taught to pray to Jesus here) and it was going good but I was just kind of down because with her and a bunch of new amis we haven't really been able to get them to say they have felt the Holy Ghost and have received answers to their prayers. I was sitting there and I had kind of just zoned out and started thinking about I hadn't really seen this happen. For a moment there I began to doubt that the Holy Ghost would ever Testify to them that ALL THIS WAS TRUE and I said a little prayer to Heavenly Father asking in a doubtful way why it was that none of these amis had received answers to there prayers when they do as we promised them? Well, at the same moment I sent this prayer up my companion had asked Seur Happy to read this scripture to answer one of her questions about prayer and the Holy Ghost and so while she was mid-sentence reading this scripture at the same time I was wondering this. Well, as soon as I sent those thoughts it was like a semi-truck packed chuck full of the spirit just slapped me right in the face. I looked up and Seur Happy was crying and could not finish reading the scripture. The spirit right there testified to her the Holy Ghost was there and at the same time rebuked me hardcore for doubting that God did not have the power to testify these things and "pierce someone to the very heart". It told me that now I had seen with my very eyes the Holy Ghost testify to someone the truth and to me and that I should never doubt again God's power and promise to us that he will fulfill his promises. I want y'all to know now the same thing that I learned from that experience. That God fulfills his promises and that he does send the Holy Ghost to testify the truth of all things to us and that this power is real and tangible. I know this without a doubt and if you don't believe me, ask for yourself. (hopefully, the Spirit doesn't slap you in the face like it did to me ðŸ˜‰) God loves his children and that is why he sent his Son and that is why he gives us the Holy Ghost and I testify that is true. 

The three kids we are teaching.

Have a great week y'all!
Elder Briggs

Other notes
I'm going to learn how to cut my hair this next go around so wish me luck. Also, guess what? President Gourry approved all music by the piano guys! (he legitly did) so could you send me a whole bunch of music when you find the time? Also, I bought this little keyboard today at the port! It cost me a bunch load of personal money for this DI quality keyboard but I got it so I can practice hymns and play on cause I play every Sunday in church and am losing all my skill cause I never play.

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