When it Rains . . .

 July 1, 2019

It poured this week!! With was kinda good.. yeaah but for the most part not really. First off, it rained for like 3 days straight and so Tuesday morning we wake up and our laundry that was on the line was more wet than when we put it on the day before. But it was especially a problem because all of my pants were washed and we had district meeting at 9:30! So, no big deal, right? I will just put fans on it, and it will dry quick. So, we get the fans set up all good... then the power cuts! (cut for the next 2 days) Haha so luckily our district is just elders in our apartment so we all just had district meeting in whatever wasn't wet and tucked our white shirts into shorts or our t shirts into pants with a tie around the neck. :') 

Sometimes when the whole street is a puddle...you don't have a choice 😐

Wednesday was miracle day. So, the majority of our sector is the side that is a marsh and so when it rained it just turned into a lake. With that happening, to get to all our rendevous was a mess with us trying to navigate through a maze of puddles. We had a rendevous fall through so I asked my companion where he thought we should go. He said an ami who we knew for sure was not there during the week but for some reason we both felt good passing by his house. So, we headed off and we knew only 1 road to get there. We came up to the first giant puddle and made it through by waiting for a moto to go through it, so the wake was wider, then running though on stepping stones that were 2 inches under water. Second puddle. This one was literally impossible! We saw people walking though it and it was up to their knees! After waiting a bit I tried to convince my companion to take off our shoes and walk through it, but his pants were too tight around his ankles that he couldn't role up his pant legs. Before we can go through with the piggy back ride idea we turn around, and what. do. you. know. A van is coming down the road! Like, that was insane! Never ever do cars come out this far let alone when it has rained! So, we flag him down and he let us jump on the bumper to take us through the next 2 giant puddles!
 As of the 27th 1 year down ! One more to go!!

And Coincidence #2 he ended up being the nonmember brother of the Elders quorum president! Well, after we got past that we ran into 2 amis that we have that don't have phones and were able to fix rendevous with them for the week! Definitely learning that sometimes what makes sense in our heads isn't always what makes sense to God, but if we will listen to Him we can't go wrong. 
Love y'all!
Elder Briggs
Went on cool voyage with the patriarch to a rabbit farm where he works.

 ROUS's? I don't think they exist...

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